Group By and Having The GROUP BY statement groups rows that have the same values into summary rows, like "find the number of customers in each dept". The GROUP BY statement is must be used with aggregate functions (COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG) to group the result-set by one or more columns. GROUP BY Syntax
SQL Joins basically used for mapping the data from more than 1 tables.
For correct out output we need to map correct respective columns.
Following example will demonstrate how to use sql joins
followings are joins type in sql
1.Inner Join
2.Left Join
3.RIght Join
4.Full outer Join
Table setup for Join example.
Create Table CityMaster_k4Coding
id bigint identity(1,1),
CityName varchar(100)
Create Table StudentMaster_k4Coding
STudentName Varchar(100),
Standard varchar(100),
Admissiondate datetime,
Cityid bigint
Insert Into cityMaster_k4coding values ('MUMBAI') -- auto id 1
Insert Into cityMaster_k4coding values ('DELHI') -- auto id 2
Insert Into cityMaster_k4coding values ('PUNE') -- auto id 3
Insert Into cityMaster_k4coding values ('CHENNAI') -- auto id 4
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('ASHISH','X',getdate(),1)
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('Jay','X',getdate(),2)
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('VIJ','X',getdate(),3)
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('PAREKH','X',getdate(),4)
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('David','X',getdate(),1)
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('Rohan','X',getdate(),2)
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('Swap','X',getdate(),2)
Insert Into StudentMaster_k4Coding values ('Mutthu','X',getdate(),5)
Tutorial Video
City Master :Sample data
Query :Select * from cityMaster_k4coding
Query : Select * from StudentMaster_k4Coding
Inner Join :
Inner Join is used when matched records need to be extracted.
As per sample data in City we have respective name and ids as 1.2.3 & 4 where as in Student table we have address ids 1,2,3,4,5.
We we apply inner join query based on city id unique field in this case only matched records will display.
Query Syntax:
Select * from tablename1 S
Inner Join tablename1 C on
Inner Join tablename1 C on
Note: Here S and C are the table alias and uniquefield is common fields in both table for join.
Select * from StudentMaster_k4Coding S
Inner Join cityMaster_k4coding C on
System showing the out put where matching records are available .
In City master table there is no ID=5 so query is not displaying that additional record.
Left Join :
Left Join is used when all matched records need to be extracted from left side of the table data.
Similar to Inner Join query
Select * from StudentMaster_k4Coding S
Left Join cityMaster_k4coding C on
Left Join cityMaster_k4coding C on
here we have StudentMaster_k4Coding S as left side table, so all the output will display from student table.
As per above screen no data present in City table and we have left join from student table because of that its showing cityid and name as NULL.
RIGHT Join :
Left Join is used when all matched records need to be extracted from left side of the table data.
Similar to LEFT Join query we are doing join with RIGHT keyword
Select * from cityMaster_k4coding C
RIGHT Join StudentMaster_k4Coding S on
RIGHT Join StudentMaster_k4Coding S on
here we have StudentMaster_k4Coding S as left side table, so all the output will display from student table.
FULL Outer Join :
FULL outer Join is used when all matched records need to be extracted from both side of the table data.
Similar to RIGHT Join query we are doing join with FULL OUTER JOIN keyword
Select * from cityMaster_k4coding C
FULL OUTER Join StudentMaster_k4Coding S on
FULL OUTER Join StudentMaster_k4Coding S on
here we have StudentMaster_k4Coding S as left side table, so all the output will display from student table and City table both.
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